Tantra Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Runic Reiki,
Shamanic Flight & Egyptian Ritual.



Limited Time Only

We want everyone to get the chance to experience the power of Reiki
and have the opportunity to help others along their path. Activate your
extra sensual abilities for personal development and mental growth.
Enhance important aspects of your life, including mental health,
healing, love, and money. Share your enlightenment with others by
becoming a Shamanic Energy Healer
Whether you have experience in energy healing or are completely new to
Reiki, this course grants you a 1st level qualification in the 5 initiations 

Course Structure

The practice of grounding and visualizing to be used in all energy work and Reiki initiations. You will experience new energies, opening your mind and body to new healing processes.
Resources: 15-min video meditation to practice
Examination: 3 questions
Approx hours: 0.5-1
The practice of grounding and visualizing to be used in all energy work and Reiki initiations. You will experience new energies, opening your mind and body to new healing processes.
Resources: 15-min video meditation to practice
Examination: 3 questions
Approx hours: 0.5-1
A combination of kundalini and reiki energies. Learn each chakra and how to open them for healing and selfdevelopment. Includes: Video, reading, partner practice, meditation, report
Approx hours: 2-3 
You will learn the massage process of Runic Reiki Yggdrasil treatment for healing and mental development. You will practice it with your partner. You will be given lessons in 'intuition' the ability to understand a situation to make the right decisions without reasoning and logical analysis. Includes: video, reading, initiation, partner practice, report
Approx hours: 2-3 
Egyptian Tradition is a deep spiritual practice that restores you from the inside and inspires your creativity. When you are in sync with Tradition, you begin to manifest the impulses of the world laid down by the Creator. You will get an introduction to the Egyptian Tradition and learn the flow. Includes: video, goal planning, reading, initiation, partner practice, report
Approx hours: 2-3 


Send a message to get details and register.


Nicolai is the researcher and specialist
in shamanic psychotechnologies. Nicolai is
EAEN Professor of Philosophy
Honored Naturopath of Europe
Master of Natural Medicine
Certified Instructor of the Universal Healing DAO
Mantek Chia
Licensed Psychologist Hypnologist
Master Teacher: Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Kundalini
Reiki, Tantra Reiki, Reiki-Yggdrasil (author of the
Head of the Order of the World Tree.
Award: in 2010 - the medal of Paracelsus for
the creation of the system of spiritual
development "Reiki Yggdrasil", issued by the
Scientific European Society, Hannover
Academy is functioning for more than 30
years, preparing hundreds of advanced
holistic specialists worldwide.
Academy is providing Advanced practical
education in
- Holistic Shamanic studies.
- Temple therapy and rituals.
The school studies mental
enhancement technologies from
temple magic heritage.

The academy uses an initiation
system. This progressive learning
method means you can start to use
each skill as you learn it. Students
following this approach are able to
use the key shamanic technologies
5-10x sooner than others.
Each initiation requires individual
study, practice with partners and
clients and a final examination. 


It writes down the necessary skills,
tunings towards the unconscious level.
So you are getting able to start using the skills
at once. Through your own practice and
seminars you are uncovering the technologies
transmitted through initiation.
This approach allows students to study and use
the key shamanic technologies 5-10 times
sooner than usually.
Reiki Systems are used as the tool, technology
to transmit Key Shamanic Temple Initiations
towards the students. Wide variety of
shamanic, temple traditions and initiations are
combined within Reiki Yggdrasil system,
that were developed at the Academy.
This system uncovers your mental &
extrasensual abilities to enhance your life. 
Our school is based on tremendous studies of
Human Mental abilities and Shamanic
psychotechnology that were started during
and after the Second World War
by Psychic abilities studies institutes of the
Governments of formal USSR and USA.
After the demolition of USSR these technologies
became widely opened by numerous schools.
And studies and continuing these days and mastering
every year more and more. More information about
it you can read in the next documents.


Please fill out the registration form and we will get in
touch shortly


The school studies mental
enhancement technologies from
temple magic heritage.

The academy uses an initiation
system. This progressive learning
method means you can start to use
each skill as you learn it. Students
following this approach are able to
use the key shamanic technologies
5-10x sooner than others.
Each initiation requires individual
study, practice with partners and
clients and a final examination. 
Send a message to get details and register.